Aussies love their lawns – it’s a place of backyard cricket, cubby houses and trampolines. Even Facebook pages dedicated to lawn admiration are becoming increasingly popular!
WATCH: How To Get The Perfect Lawn
Whether you’re looking for seasonal lawn guides, nifty hacks, the best lawn mowers on the market or some answers to frequently asked questions, BHG has got you covered.
Lawn care by the season
How to help your lawn last the summer

The hot, dry Australian summer generally wreaks havoc on lawns and gardens alike, but it doesn’t always have to be like this. Here are the solutions to combat compaction, runners and growth.
5 tips to revive your lawn this spring

With a little bit of work in spring, you can give your lawn a great head start for the growing season ahead! Here are five expert tips that you need to know and incorporate to your spring lawn plan.
How to care for your lawn in winter

Winter is a time to prepare and defend your lawn. So venture out a couple of times during the big chill to make sure that come spring, it’s as luscious as it possibly can be.
How to care for your lawn this autumn

Have you got your autumn gardening checklist sorted? Early autumn is a great time of year to make some lawn improvements.
Perfect lawn hacks

Get the best-looking lawn on the street with these four easy tips and tricks for your grass.
Frequently asked questions
How to grow your lawn by seed

Growing a lawn from seed is far more economical than buying and laying turf. Here are some tips from Horticulture consultant, Paul Wynn.
How to prevent a soggy lawn

Suffering the effects of too much rain? You can turn your swamp back into the verdant lawn you used to love by re-laying your turf.
How to aerate a lawn

If your lawn has endured lots of wear from play, parties and general use throughout summer, it’s a good idea to aerate it in autumn.
How to revive your lawn

After a period of winter dormancy, it’s not unusual to find that your lawn looking a little pallid and patchy. While this is a normal part of the growing cycle, there are some simple things you can do to revive your lawn in time for summer.
9 must-know solutions to repair your lawn

Have a weed issue or does your lawn just need some tlc? Solve your lawn’s problems with one of our nine helpful solutions.
The easiest way to edge your lawn

Is your lawn looking a little untidy? The quickest way to spruce it up is by trimming the edges.
How to fix bare patches in lawn

Is the grass starting to look a little greener on the other side? Here are some phenomenal tips and tricks that revitalise your lawn’s dead patches.
5 ways to help your lawn survive on less water

Typically, your turf does require a lot of water to thrive, but there are some things you can do in your garden to create the environment for a more water-wise lawn.
How often should you mow your lawn?

Mowing the lawn is a garden chore no one really enjoys doing. But are you even doing the bare minimum?
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10 cutting-edge lawn mowers that will make your life easier

We’ve rounded up the 10 best lawn mowers in Australia plus some handy advice and tips for how to choose between them, according to the experts.
5 best robot lawn mowers for hassle-free gardening

While some enjoy spending a few hours on the weekend gardening and mowing their lawn. For others, this kind of robot will be a welcome addition to their garden.