Home Garden

DIY glass terrariums

Don't miss out on a garden for lack of space.
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Grab those secateurs – it’s time to make your very own miniature green garden – terrarium style. These cute mini-gardens are perfect if you don’t have a yard, and they also look great on a coffee table. The perfect way to introduce plant life to your home!

WATCH: Melissa makes terrariums for kids

Gather your supplies

  • Glass terrarium – you should be able to get one from your local garden supply store, or Bunnings
  • Succulent potting mix (about 1 cup full)
  • Decorative pebbles
  • Succulent cuttings such as echeveria, crassula, echeveria, sedum and crassula
(Image: Carna Feldtmann) (Credit: Image: Carna Feldtmann)

Step 1

Prepare the container by adding pebbles to cover the base – this will allow for proper drainage.

Step 2

Add a hand full of moistened potting mix above the pebbles, around 5 centimetres should suffice!

Step 3

Take the succulent cuttings and place them in the position you’d like, starting with the largest and working your way down. Once you have your placement down pat, gently dig the ends firmly into the soil.

Step 4

Accessorise! Place a few pebbles or decorative stones in your terrarium to finish it off.


Succulents originate from arid environments so you won’t need to water your terrariums quite as often as your other plants. When you do water, do not over-saturate the soil and allow the soil to dry out between misting.

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