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5 avocado alternatives you need to try

Perfect for those who just don’t get the avocado hype.

It might be nutritious, packed with vitamins and full of healthy fats, but avocado just doesn’t float everyone’s boat. Whether it’s the taste or texture of this popular fruit that disgusts you, never fear, because we have a list of foods that can be used as the perfect alternative to topping your toast with smashed avo, making guacamole or even when avocado is called for in recipes.


5 avocado alternatives 

1. Smashed banana

Thanks to its similar texture, banana is another toast-topper that also works in place of avocado in most recipes.

2. Almond, cashew or peanut butter

With high levels of healthy fats, nut butters can be used in lace of avocado for snacks and baking.

3. Edamame

For those who want to make guacamole but can’t stand the thought of avocado, why not try cooking then pureeing edamame? Just add Mexican spices and you’ve got yourself some avo-free guac.

4. Chia seeds

If you’re simply looking for a food that has similar health and nutritional benefits as avocado, then go for chia seeds. Similar to avocado, chia seeds have omega-3 fats, are fibre-rich and high in protein.


5. Hummus

Looking for something to dip your veggies in or put on your toast? Look no further, hummus is packed with vitamins and minerals and will do the job.

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Want to make your own hummus? Check out the video below. 

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