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Strawberry and Cucumber Fizz

A great way to use up leftover fruit.

Shrubs can last months, even longer if sealed correctly and kept in the fridge. Enjoy mixed with tequila, in water or soda, and in salad dressings. You can use any fruit you have left over – try using your leftover nectarines, peaches, berries, and mangoes this summer to enjoy them for months to come.

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Make ahead: For your Shrub, chop 100g of cucumber and 200g of strawberries into small 1cm cubes. In a airtight container, combine fruit with 300g of caster sugar. Leave to rest in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Strain out the fruit chunks and reserve the liquid. (The strawberry and cucumber left over can then be blended with pectin – buy it in the supermarket cooking aisle – and enjoyed as a condiment for your next cheese platter). Combine reserved liquid with 100ml of Apple Cider Vinegar and 100ml water. Pour into a clean, sealable bottle and keep refrigerated.


To make your cocktail, build cocktail ingredients in highball glass over ice. Top with soda, garnish and serve.

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