Have an excess supply of vegetables? Quickly and easily pickle shallots, green beans, radishes, cucumbers, carrots, beetroot, cabbage and more with this master recipe.
How to sterilise jars
Before pickling, wash jars and lids in hot, soapy water. Rinse then put on an oven tray in a low oven for 10 minutes or until completely dry. If jars have rubber seals, remove and put the seals in a large container and cover with just-boiled water, along with any funnels, ladles or spoons you’re going to use, too.
Pickling tips
- For pickles to last in the jar, the vinegar must be 6 per cent acidity. This includes white wine and malt vinegars. Apple cider vinegar has a slightly lower acidity, so is more suitable for chutneys.
- All equipment must be clean before you begin to eliminate bacteria and yeasts (refer to sterilising how-to, above).
- Don’t use table salt for pickling. The anti-caking agents can give a cloudy, discoloured result. Use coarse-grain or crystal salt.
- Allow a few centimetres of space at the top of the jar and make sure the veg is well-covered with vinegar. Use a pestle or the end of a rolling pin to push veg down into vinegar.
- Salted or brined pickles, if kept in a cool, dark place, should last unopened for several months. Softer vegetables, such as beans
and cucumbers, are more likely to go soggy sooner as they are more watery. - Once opened, store in the fridge and use within a month.
Put whole spices in a medium saucepan and toast over a low heat until aromatic. Add chilli, if using, and toast for an extra minute.
Add bay leaves then pour in vinegar and sugar. Allow sugar to dissolve then bring to a simmer. Use hot vinegar for pickling recipes (right).
You might need
You might also enjoy making Asian-style pickled vegies
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