You might know the neighbouring towns of Parkes and Forbes as home to a world-class Elvis festival, or maybe for the notorious bushrangers who once roamed here, or even as the place where an enormous telescope helped broadcast the 1969 moon landing. For Fast Ed, though, it’s all about the food! Ed’s taking us on a trip through this stunning region to meet some of the local producers and, of course, he’s cooking up a storm along the way, with barbecued lamb chops with lazy caponata and olive-crusted Yellowbelly with Citrus both on the menu.
Looking for more Christmas fish recipes?
Pat the fish fillets dry with paper towel. Combine the olives, oregano, garlic and Parmesan in a blender and puree until smooth. Mix in the breadcrumbs, then spread on top of the fish pieces. Cook gently on a non-stick BBQ mat on a moderate flat place until firm to touch.
Spiralise the zucchini, carrots and beetroot, then toss with the basil, walnuts and feta. Arrange on a platter with the fish pieces. Mix the citrus, chives and oil, season generously with salt and pepper, then drizzle over.

For more recipes, pick up a copy of the latest issue of Better Homes and Gardens magazine in selected newsagents and supermarkets or buy online today!
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