
The lazy packing hack that fits more clothes in your suitcase

Hate rolling or folding? You’ll love this.

Whether you’re travelling internationally, domestically, or simply driving a couple hours away from home for the night, there is one problem everyone shares: fitting everything you need into one small suitcase.


It doesn’t matter how many days you plan to be away, or what size your suitcase is, we’re all guilty of packing those items we might need ‘just in case’ and pushing the storage capacities of our luggage to the limit.

There are countless theories on the best way to pack your clothes, including rolling, folding and packing cubes, but we like this latest hack the most.

If you hate rolling, folding and packing your clothes into tiny little bundles, then this lay-persons guide to packing is for you.

Simply lay your clothes flat, one on top of the other, without folding, rotating 90-degrees each time. Check out the example below.

(Credit: Getty) (Credit: Getty)

For example, place an unfolded t-shirt flat on your bed, with the hem facing you. Rotate the next t-shirt 90-degrees clockwise, the hem on this tee now facing your left, creating a ‘cross’ of tees. Continue layering clothes, adding layer over layer, rotating 90-degrees each time. When you’re done, pop small items such as underwear and socks on top, then fold each of the 4 points inwards to create a package – and pop it in your suitcase!

By rotating the clothes, it ensures bulky parts f garment, such as waistbands, hems and sleeves, aren’t all bundled to one side of the pile, reducing bulk.

Curious? Why not give it a whirl next time you can’t fit in that extra dress or shirt.  


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