While many people will don a pair of pointless specs purely to look smarter, it seems those wearing spectacles with the purpose of improving their eyesight are generally more intelligent than their 20/20 counterparts.
It appears that spectacle-wearing individuals who endured being called ‘four-eyes’ throughout their school years have finally had the last laugh.
Science has proven that those people who wear glasses are smarter than those who don’t. New research conducted by the University of Edinburgh and published in the Natural Communications journal conducted thinking tests on more than 300,000 people aged between 16 and 102. The study found that those who wear glasses scored higher on general cognitive testing than those who don’t.
Interestingly, the study also found that those with different eye conditions scored differently on the cognitive tests. That is, short-sighted participants out-performed long-sighted participants in the tests.
That is, short sighted people need glasses to see far away, while long sighted people need glasses for close-up reading and screen time.
So, should you happen to require glasses to read a book or use the computer, consider yourself of superior intelligence.
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