
New Australian alcohol guidelines released before New Years Eve

Australians are drinking more than they should, study says.

The festive season is a time for enjoying a tipple or two with friends and family. From cheeky after-work drinks to family dinners and Christmas parties, many of us are almost ready to give up the drink by the time New Years Eve rolls around.


However, new research conducted by the National Health and Medical Research Council says that Australian men and women need to cut back their average weekly intake of alcohol.

According to new guidelines, healthy men and women should be drinking no more than 10 standard drinks per week, or no more than 4 standard drinks on any one day. Previously, the recommendation was no more than 2 standard drinks per day, per week, but that has now been reduced to 1.4 standard drinks per day.

Alcohol recommendation guidelines have been revised down because the health authorities have discovered a link between drinking alcohol, and a number of different cancers.

So, enjoy the festive season this year, but be sure to limit yourself to one sneaky beverage per day.


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