How many of us have an old phone at the back of the top drawer, along with a plethora of other items that have long been forgotten?
There has never been a better time to declutter with the launch of a new partnership between MobileMuster and Take 3 For the Sea.
The partnership aims to educate people on how they can make a difference to prevent and reduce their personal waste at home.
For every mobile phone recycled by MobileMuster in January and February, Australians will also be helping support the work that Take 3 For the Sea does to eliminate plastic pollution.

We know that Australians are storing away mobile phones that could be recycled,” said Spyro Kalos, Manager of MobileMuster.
“Despite our good intentions to recycle, many of us don’t follow through. That’s why we’ve partnered with Take 3 For the Sea to give Australians an extra reason to recycle this summer.

“Our target is to collect and recycle 30,000 mobiles and at the same time remove almost 100,000 pieces of plastics from the oceans, plus inspire people to consider how they can reduce their personal waste at the start of a new year.”
Want to reduce your plastic waste at home? Follow these 5 tips:
1. Plan to use less plastics
The best way to reduce the amount of plastic waste entering our oceans is to simply cut it off at the source and reduce the amount of plastic being used in the first place. You can start by taking simple steps such as remembering your reusable shopping bags when you go to the supermarket to buy groceries. This will not only clean up the environment but reduce the clutter in your kitchen cupboards.
2. Say goodbye to single-use
Water and other drink containers are one of the biggest sources of plastic waste in our oceans. Swap out single-use coffee cups and water bottles to reusable options. So, wave goodbye to plastic waste and say hello to a cleaner environment.
3. Clear out your ‘old stuff’ drawers to start afresh
A clean house can help provide a clear mind, so start the year anew with a home “detox”. Take three minutes to declutter your drawers and dig out your old mobile phones to recycle them. Also, this summer when you recycle your old phone with MobileMuster you’ll be helping Take 3 for the Sea reduce plastic pollution in our oceans.

4. Swap out plastic straws
It is estimated that Australians use 10 million straws a day and when they end up in oceans and waterways, they can have devastating impact on marine life. It’s time to swap out your plastic straws and choose metal or paper ones or try going without to help prevent this problem getting worse.
5. It’s time to Take 3
Next time you are out, remember to Take 3 pieces of rubbish when you leave the beach, waterway or park. You can also snap and share a photo with #Take3fortheSea to inspire others. Support the movement and do your bit to reduce plastic pollution in our oceans.
To find your nearest mobile collection point, go to MobileMuster.
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