How to make air-dry clay candle holders

You can create clay candle holders in a day – no kiln needed!
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When you can’t find pieces to fit the interior style of the moment, there’s only one option left, make your own; and Juliet has done just that to sculpt some clay candle holders. With only a big blob of clay, a sponge and a little carving tool, Juliet creates stunning candle holders that look beautiful raw or painted. And by using air dry clay, there’s no firing of baking the clay involved, so it’s a great Saturday afternoon craft project for you and the kids.

You can create clay candle holders in a day – no kiln needed!

How to make clay candle holders

Gather your supplies

  • White air-dry clay
  • Taper candles
  • Cookie cutters

You’ll also need

  • Water bowl
  • Marble cutting board
  • Fine bristle paintbrush
  • Modelling tool
  • Non-stick rolling pin
  • Skewer

Here’s how

Step 1

Step 1
Step 1 (Credit: S Ferris) (Credit: S Ferris)

Shape a ball of clay about the size of a tennis ball. Knead with wet fingers to make it more pliable, using more water if needed.

Step 2

Throw clay down on marble cutting board several times to get rid of any air bubbles, then roll between both palms into
a smooth ball.

Step 3

Step 2
Step 3 (Credit: S Ferris) (Credit: S Ferris)

Press on ball to make a flat base. Brush the ball with water.

Step 4

Step 4
Step 4 (Credit: S Ferris) (Credit: S Ferris)

Press a taper candle into centre of the ball to create a hole.

Step 5

Step 5
Step 5 (Credit: S Ferris) (Credit: S Ferris)

Slightly stretch the hole and smooth it with a wet paintbrush (the clay shrinks slightly as it dries).

Step 6

Step 5
Step 6 (Credit: S Ferris) (Credit: S Ferris)

Use modelling tool to score evenly spaced grooves from rim of hole to base of clay ball. Run brush through each groove to smooth and stretch slightly. Leave to dry for 48 hours.

Step 7

Step 7
Step 7 (Credit: S Ferris) (Credit: S Ferris)

Make another ball of clay, following Steps 1 and 2, then use rolling pin to roll out the clay to a thickness of about 5mm.

Step 8

Step 8
Step 8 (Credit: S Ferris) (Credit: S Ferris)

Use cookie cutters to cut out 2 different shapes from clay. Smooth edges of shapes with wet brush.

Step 9

Roll clay offcuts into 2 small balls. Press balls to flatten base, then dip a taper candle in water and press into each ball to make a hole. Slightly stretch and smooth holes with wet brush.

Step 10

Step 10
Step 10 (Credit: S Ferris) (Credit: S Ferris)

Use a skewer to score lines on base of balls and centre of cut-out shapes.

Step 11

Step 11
Step 11 (Credit: S Ferris) (Credit: S Ferris)

Mix a bit of clay and water into a smooth paste and use it to stick the balls to the cutout shapes. Leave to dry for 48 hours.

Maker’s tip

To paint your candle holders, use artist’s acrylics once they are fully dry.

The final results.
The final results. (Credit: S Ferris) (Credit: S Ferris)

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