
Surprising benefits of drinking cask wine

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Despite its bad reputation, cask wine has some surprising benefits.


According to Today, boxed or cask wine stays fresher up to six times longer. Not to mention, the quality has improved over the years. 

Speaking to Bustle, Dallas based wine writer Michelle Williams said: “Over the years the quality of wines being produced for boxed wines has risen tremendously. Many wine consumers would never guess the wine they are enjoying came from a box.”

“Box wines definitely have a place in the modern wine consumer market… They provide easy portability, are great for parties, once opened they stay fresh for many weeks without refrigeration, are economical, and they typically require less packaging and energy to produce than bottles.”

As well as freshness, boxed wine has been praised as the better option for environmental reasons. 


“Wine in a box makes sense environmentally and economically,” according to the The New York Times.

“Switching to wine in a box for the 97 per cent of wines that are made to be consumed within a year would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about two million tons, or the equivalent of retiring 400,000 cars.”

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