Gather your supplies
Sculpey oven-bake clay in Granny Smith (green) and White
Flexible wire
Large glass or plastic vase
Decorative pebbles
Fake succulents
You’ll also need
Wire snips; baking paper; black marker pen; green marker pen; battery-powered string lights
Here’s how
Step 1
Using wire snips, cut a length of wire to desired length of dinosaur from head to tail.

Step 2
For the body, roll a ball of green oven-bake clay in your hands. Thread body to middle of wire.

Step 3
For the tail, roll 1 sausage shape of green oven-bake clay. Thread tail onto 1 end of wire.

Step 4
For the neck, roll 1 more sausage shape and thread onto other end of wire. Bend wire end so it will be disguised in the head of the dinosaur and, using hands, mould end to create nose.

Step 5
Take your time to smooth and shape the body, tail, neck and head of the dinosaur, adding more oven-bake clay if you need to plump out any areas.

Step 6
Using wire snips, cut 4 lengths of wire for the dinosaur legs. Bend the foot-end of each wire to reinforce the feet. To make the feet, roll 4 small balls of green oven-bake clay and press onto the bent ends of each wire leg.

Step 7
For the legs, roll 4 flat strips of green oven-bake clay and wrap each around the wire legs. Leave top of wire exposed so you can attach legs to the dinosaur body later. Add a small ball of oven-bake clay to each leg to create knobbly knees. Take a moment to shape and smooth the legs.

Step 8
Press all 4 legs into position in the underside of the dinosaur body. Shape and smooth the connection where the legs meet the body.

Step 9
Using a wire offcut, carefully make indentations for two nostrils and a mouth.

Step 10
For the eyes, roll 2 small balls of white oven-bake clay and press into position.
Step 11
Put dinosaur on an oven tray lined with baking paper and bake in oven following packet instructions. Set aside to cool.

Step 12
Using black marker pen, draw eyes on white oven-bake clay.

Step 13
Using green marker pen, colour in each light on string of lights. Allow to dry.

Step 14
Fill base of vase with pebbles, then arrange fake succulents on top, leaving space to put dinosaur in position. Arrange string lights in vase, trailing the battery pack outside the back of the vase so you can turn them on and off easily.