Reader project: From $19 Kmart bread bin to stylish charging station

Tidy those cables once and for all!

When mum-of-two, Lauren Cooksey, grew tired of the clutter and mess of charging cords on her kitchen bench, she thought up a clever DIY to hide them without compromising on style. 

Better Homes and Gardens Online chatted with Lauren about how she created the simple hack. 

charging station
(Credit: Lauren Cooksey) (Credit: Lauren Cooksey)

What inspired your project?

I was sick of looking at all the charging cords on my kitchen bench and decided I wanted to find a way to hide them. 

Have you made many things before?

I’m always creating new things, and have been slowly making our house a home over time. Some of my projects include a bedroom makeover, shelving units and a backyard patio. 

building bottom of charging station
(Credit: Lauren Cooksey) (Credit: Lauren Cooksey)

What kind of look were you after?

I wanted to create something to fit in with the rest of our house and decor. So it had to be modern, and have a beach house, coastal feel.

Biggest challenge?

The biggest challenge was definitely making the holes the right size for the cords to come through on the top. 

charging station
(Credit: Lauren Cooksey) (Credit: Lauren Cooksey)

Talk us through the process 

  • Purchased Kmart bread box.
  • Marked and cut out a hole on the back of the box for the power point.
  • Drilled a couple of holes on the top for the wireless charging dock and Google Home.
  • Created height by attaching a wooden box to the unit.
  • Plugged in a multiple USB plug.
charging station back
(Credit: Lauren Cooksey) (Credit: Lauren Cooksey)

How much did you spend?

The timber I used was recycled, so I just had to purchase the bread box for $19.

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