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What to do with the trunks of dead trees

From fallen stump to one-of-a-kind planters.

Tree ferns, such as cyatheas and dicksonias, are renowned for their incredibly long life span but, like all plants, will inevitably reach the end of their days.


However, instead of leaving a lifeless trunk to slowly rot away in your garden, give it a new purpose by turning it into plant pots!

A hollowed-out tree fern stump can be transformed into amazing-looking containers for bromeliads and orchids, which require little soil to grow so will happily make a stump their new home.

Tree Fern Pots

Gather your supplies

• Dead tree fern stump


• Pot saucers

• Orchid potting mix

• Selection of plants (we used bromeliad pups and Venus flytraps)

You’ll also need


Handsaw; drill; hole saw drill bit; hammer and bolster (optional); watering can

Here’s How


Using handsaw, saw stump at ground level, then cut into desired pot sizes. Hollow out each stump piece with power drill, using a hammer and bolster if necessary.


Sit stump pots in pot saucers and water thoroughly, until saucers are full. This prevents any new plantings from drying out.



Part-fill hollowed stump pots with potting mix, then position chosen plant in each hollow, so its soil surface sits just below rim of stump. Backfill each stump pot with more potting mix, then water in thoroughly and enjoy.

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