Though otherwise harmless, it is true that snails can wreak havoc on your garden beds. Which, when you’ve spent months preparing your yard, can be incredibly frustrating!
WATCH: How to create a vibrant low-maintenance garden
No need to put up with these hungry beasts munching their way through your garden. This simple trap is just what you need.
Gather your supplies
- 90mm dia. PVC pipe (25cm)
- Galvanised tie wire
- Lettuce leaves
- Table salt
You’ll also need
Hand or power saw; wire cutters
- When using power tools, wear all safety gear required and refer to product instructions.
- Place traps at edges of beds, where snails enter.

Here’s how
Step 1
Using a saw, cut a 25cm length of pipe. Position trap.
Step 2
Use wire cutters to cut a 50cm length of wire. U-bend the middle of wire and place over pipe, pushing wire ends into soil.
Step 3
Put 3–5 lettuce leaves in pipe as bait.
Step 4
Sprinkle 1–2 Tbsp salt on either side of leaves.
Step 5
Check trap each day, removing dead snails, replacing wilted lettuce and topping up salt.
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