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“Why I chose Endometrial Ablation over a hysterectomy”

Heavy periods and cramping had negatively impacted Lucy for most of her life. Then, at 37, she had an endometrial ablation procedure – a minimally-invasive alternative to hysterectomy for heavy periods – and her world was positively transformed.

Lucy Cornes struggled with heavy periods her entire life. She felt chronically fatigued and was anaemic. Lucy thought it was something, as a woman, she just had to deal with. She didn’t want to have a hysterectomy. She’d seen how it had negatively impacted her mum, who had had one twenty years earlier. Then she stumbled across a solution. Ablation surgery. And it totally transformed her life for the better.


Here, Lucy shares her story…

“I’d struggled with heavy periods and anemia for most of life, but it got even worse after I had my three children. I suffered chronic fatigue, felt continually run-down, I was susceptible to illnesses and just felt like a had zero energy. Not an easy way to exist when you have a crazy life with three active boys, three dogs and you are running a business! I guess I’d just accepted that my periods and my health was normal – but it wasn’t, and women don’t have to live like that.

I saw many parallels between my health and my mum’s. Mum was just 39 she had a hysterectomy. I was just 17 at the time, but I remember how badly it affected her. It was such an invasive surgery. My mum is a bounce-back kind of woman but it really impacted her negatively and shocked me. Her recovery was long and slow, she experienced a hormonal imbalance, which led to other adverse physical effects and emotional symptoms.

I really didn’t want a hysterectomy, but it looked like I was heading in that direction.  


After I had my third baby, I had an IUD inserted. It was recommended by my GP for two reasons – one for contraception and secondly to help reduce the heavy bleeding. While it abated my heavy periods and symptoms marginally, it wasn’t really a great help or a long term solution. I experienced constant breakthrough bleeding and cramping for the five years I used it.

Lucy has a busy household with 3 boys, 3 dogs and she runs her own media company. Pictured with her husband (ex AFL now media personality, Kane Cornes). (Credit: Supplied)

Then, by chance, I was chatting to one of the school mums in the playground and she mentioned she had an ablation – and it not only changed her periods but her life, for the better!

I booked an appointment with my Gynaecologist immediately who explained the procedure. Basically it involves removal of the lining of the uterus. It reduces or completely stops heavy menstrual bleeding in 90% of women. It’s not suitable for every woman, but I was the ideal candidate! I had already decided I didn’t want more children (I already had my three beautiful boys), I had a history of heavy periods that chronically impacted my life, and I had tried all kinds of things to manage the anaemia – iron transfusion, daily iron supplements, I had a healthy diet…



I was booked in for day surgery two weeks later – and back at work a few days after the procedure. I experienced about 48 hours of discomfort, but overall it had minimal impact.  

In some women an ablation can stop menstruation, but not all. I’m very happy to say I am one of the women who no longer has periods!

The surgery has absolutely transformed my life for the better. I have so much more energy! In fact, the Lucy before is very different to the Lucy AFTER!


It’s a shame but I feel like so many woman think that having really heavy periods that negatively impact their energy, their work, their family, their life, is just a normal part of being a women. Battling through life with no energy, spending days in bed every month is not normal and women don’t have to live like this.

My advice is, if you experience heavy periods, speak to your GP or Gynaecologist. Ask them about an endometrial ablation and if it’s right for you and your circumstances.

Life can be so much better!”

Do you experience heavy periods with no known cause (abnormal uterine bleeding)? Visit Wear White Again for treatment options and speak to your GP or Gynaecologist today.


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