This fast veggie pasta is packed with the green goodness of zucchini, basil and parsley.
To make basil hazelnut pesto, put herbs and garlic in the bowl of a food processor or blender. Process for 5 seconds. Add hazelnuts and parmesan and season.
Process mixture, drizzling oil in a steady stream, until a smooth paste forms. Taste mixture and season again if necessary. Set aside.
Trim ends off zucchinis, then, using a large knife or mandolin, slice lengthways 3mm thick, to form ribbons.
Finely slice zucchini ribbons lengthways to make long spaghetti-like strips. Set aside.
Cook pasta following pack instructions. Drain, reserving a little of the cooking water, and set aside.
Meanwhile, put oil, cream and pesto in a large frying pan over a medium heat and cook, stirring, until hot. Add cooked pasta and toss, then add zucchini strips and a splash of the reserved pasta water. Arrange on plate and garnish with basil leaves and hazelnuts to serve.