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Duck, leek and mardarin risotto

This is what comfort food is all about.
1H 5M

You can add any flavours you like to this basic recipe, but Karen’s gone for a delicious mix of greens, mandarin zest, and roasted duck.




Preheat oven to 200°C fanforced (220°C conventional). Remove duck from packaging and put on oven tray. Roast for 15 minutes to crisp skin. Remove and set aside for 5 minutes


Meanwhile, to make risotto pour 60ml of the oil into a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add leeks and cook, stirring, until browned all
over. Season and add water. Bring to a simmer, turning frequently, until leeks are tender and liquid has completely reduced. Remove leeks from pan and cut into 3cm lengths, then set aside.


Add stock to same pan, bring to the boil and keep at a low simmer.


Heat 60ml of the oil in a heavy-based saucepan. Add onion, garlic and bay leaf. Season and sweat until softened but not coloured. Add rice to pan and stir constantly until grains are hot to the touch. Add wine and stir until it has reduced to almost nothing. Start adding hot stock a ladle at a time, making sure all the rice is covered. While stirring constantly, let liquid reduce and absorb, again to almost nothing. Continue this process until rice is cooked to your liking. You may have stock left over, but if you use it all before rice is cooked, just add hot water.


Meanwhile, cook spinach in a medium frying pan with a splash of water and a little salt, leaving the lid off. Add 40ml of the oil and cook until spinach has wilted and water has evaporated.


Once rice is just cooked, reduce heat and vigorously beat in cheese and butter until creamy. Stir through spinach and leek, then shred duck and fold through. Adjust seasoning to taste, stir through mandarin zest and stand for 1 minute, uncovered.


Spoon risotto onto warm serving plates, drizzle with remaining oil, squeeze over lemon juice and serve scattered with gorgonzola and walnuts.

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