You’re probably spending too much on your cleanser

And three other things you didn't know about washing your face.

The key to clean skin isn’t just simple soap and water. Read on for how to choose a cleanser and the best techniques for washing your face.

1. Spending more doesn’t mean better results

Remember, this is a product you literally wash down the drain. Cleansers spend very little time in contact with your skin, compared to serums and moisturisers. While some amazing high-end cleansers certainly contain clever ingredients, smell great, and leave skin feeling soft, they won’t change your skin – that’s what treatments and creams are for.

After price, choose a cleanser which best matches your skin type. For example consider a cleansing oil or cream if you have dry to normal skin or foaming if it’s oily or combination. Micellar water cleansers suit all skin types. If you’re dry, avoid charcoal cleansers or anything that foams a lot. If you’re acne-prone, look for a purifying cleanser that contains salicylic acid.

2. Don’t overdo it

Double cleansing may be helpful if you’re wearing lots of makeup, but otherwise it’s not necessary. Electronic cleansing and exfoliating gadgets, such as skin brushes are popular and there’s certainly nothing wrong with them, but you need to go by what your skin can handle. For example if your skin becomes red easily, avoid over stimulating it. Strong or harsh cleansers should be avoided at all costs as they will remove your skin’s natural biofilm – the layer that helps keep it soft and healthy. As to how you remove your cleanser – either rinse it off, using your hands and water or wipe it off with a soft wet facial cloth, rinsed several times.

The test to see if your cleansing routine is right for you: After rinsing, your skin should feel supple, not tight and squeaky-clean – if it’s the latter, switch to a gentler, hydrating cleanser.

3. Avoid extreme temperatures

If the water you’re using is too warm or hot, it can cause serious dryness and over time, increased sensitivity. Change to lukewarm, it’s all you need to help loosen congestion and keep your skin clear of impurities. And go lightly – massage the cleanser over your skin with gentle circular motions.

4. Night time is the right time

Even if you don’t apply makeup in the morning and you don’t leave your house, cleansing at night is still very important. Dust, dirt and pollution are always in the air and they’re certainly not great for your skin’s well being. Plus, to get the most out of your night cream and serums they need to be applied to a fresh, clean surface.

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