
Reduce anxiety levels just by saying this word

According to a leading psychologist.

Anxiety is an issue that affects many more people than you might think. In fact, Beyond Blue reports that 45 per cent of Australians will experience a mental issue issue at some point in their lives. Beyond Blue also reports that 2 million Australian per year suffer from anxiety. It’s a serious mental health condition that can range from being a minor inconvenience, to being a debilitating illness. While we always recommend that those struggling with their mental health consult with a medical professional, there are also some other, small things you can do to combat the symptoms of anxiety.


We’ve written about songs that can reduce anxiety symptoms, pressure points in the body that can alleviate stress and breathing techniques that can induce a feeling of calm, but now there is another little handy trick you can use next time you feel the dark tendrils of anxiety creeping up on you.


In an interview with My Domaine Home, psychologist Jeffrey Bernstein revealed that by simply saying ‘nevertheless’, you can alleviate symptoms of anxiety by reducing discouragement and turning negative events into something more productive and positive.

For example, you might say to yourself “I feel like I am going to fail this test, but nevertheless, I’m going to give it my best shot”.

This sort of sentence acknowledges the thing that may be causing you anxiety, but also reframes the situation with a more positive mindset. It can make you more productive and boost self-esteem.


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