
Try this peanut butter trick for removing annoying sticker residue

This is a game changer!
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Is there anything peanut butter can’t do? It’s packed with nutrients and a fan favourite for most Aussie kids. Even the fussiest of kids will often settle for a peanut butter sandwich for dinner. 


Watch: How to make chocolate peanut custard cups

While we all love eating peanut butter, there’s another use for the popular spread you might not know: removing annoying labels from jars and containers.

How to remove sticker residue with peanut butter

If you like to reuse old jam jars and plastic containers around your home, you would know that the stickers can be hard to remove. Or maybe you bought a new baking dish and can’t get the sticker barcode off. 

In most cases, the top label will come off quickly, but the sticky residue on the back won’t budge.

how to remove sticker residue
(Credit: Getty) (Credit: Getty)

Well, not anymore. Next time you need to remove a pesky sticker, reach for a jar of trusty peanut butter. 

All you have to do is smear a little peanut butter on the label or sticker you want to remove. Let it soak in for at least 30 minutes. When ready, rinse under warm water and wipe with a soft cloth; the label will slide right off.

use peanut butter to remove sticky labels
(Credit: Getty) (Credit: Getty)

How to remove annoying stickers from glass and plastic

The good news is that this handy little trick works to get annoying sticker residue off plastic and glass!


So what are you waiting for?

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