
These little balls of goodness will make your washing dry faster

A game changer.

We all know the dryer is an energy sucker. But sometimes, there’s no avoiding it. Your clothes need to dry, and you need to use the dryer.


Luckily, a laundry product exists that can dramatically reduce your drying time: wool dryer balls. 

How to dry your clothes faster

These 100% wool dryer balls from Naturally Sheepskins help soften clothes and reduce drying time, static and wrinkling. 

They are also hypoallergenic and allergy friendly. Do we need to say more?

wool dryer balls
(Credit: Naturally Sheepskins) (Credit: Naturally Sheepskins)

How to use wool dryer balls

For a large load, add six dryer balls into your dryer with your laundry. Turn your dryer on and wait. 

The wool balls bounce around inside the dryer, separating and aerating clothes to help them dry faster. The wool material also helps to absorb moisture from your clothes in the dryer, reducing drying time.

Make your clothes smell even better, and add a few drops of your favourite essential oil to the balls before adding them to your machine.

dry clothes faster wool dryer ball
(Credit: Ryan Linnegar/ (Credit: Ryan Linnegar/

More tips for reducing drying time in your dryer.

  • Before popping your clothes in the dryer, run an extra spin cycle on your washing machine. The less water you have in your clothes, the faster they will dry.
  • Throw a dry bath towel into the dryer with your wet clothes to help absorb moisture. 
  • Ensure the lint catcher is empty – not emptying the lint will hold extra moisture in your dryer and affect drying time. 
  • Only put the clothes you need ASAP in the dryer. The rest can be hung on the line. The smaller load in the dryer will dry a lot faster than if you try to dry all your washing simultaneously. 

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