There are few things more delightful than slipping into a bed made with freshly washed sheets.
The only down side is you get to experience that fresh-as-a-daisy feeling for one night until the next wash day.
But a new pillowcase changes all of that with layers of “pages” that allows you to sleep on a new slip every night. The best thing? It does great things for your skin, too.

The Déjà Pillowcase features three pages and one inner pillowcase. Each night, you tie back a new page. After the first four nights, flip the pillowcase to get an additional four nights. That’s eight straight nights of fresh sheets. Once the week is up, all you need to do is pop the pillowcase in the wash.
The one hundred per cent cotton pillowcase gives your skin a clean surface every night, allowing it to breathe and recover.
The Déjà Pillowcase ships to Australia and is available here.