
The top 5 sunscreen mistakes everyone is making

Sunscreen rules you probably forgot about.

Considering the harsh nature of an Australian summer you would think many of us are well acquainted with the finer points of applying sunscreen correctly. However, new research suggests that very few of us are actually using this product correctly.


Sunscreen is an incredibly important factor when it comes to skin protection. Not only will wearing sunscreen everyday stave off the signs of ageing, but more importantly it protects you from skin cancer. In fact, two in tree Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they are 70. Every year in Australia skin cancer accounts for 80 per cent of all newly diagnosed cancers, so using sunscreen correctly and regularly is an important habit to get into.

Research by NIVEA SUN has found that 52 per cent of Australians have sun damage they wish they had done more to prevent, And that’s not all NIVEA SUN research has discovered.

mother applying sunscreen to child
(Credit: Getty)

The top 5 sunscreen mistakes everyone is making

1. Not wearing sunscreen whenever you are exposed to the sun
Only 4 per cent of Australians wear sunscreen in any sun-exposed situation.


2. Not using enough sunscreen
NIVEA SUN research finds that 3 in 4 Australians (that’s 75per cent) use less than the recommended amount of sunscreen, which is 6-8 teaspoons, a teaspoons for every limb, from and back body, head and neck.

3. Not waiting the recommended time
Research also shows that 84 per cent of Australians don’t wait the recommended 20 minutes between sunscreen application and sun exposure.

applying sunscreen to shoulder
(Credit: Getty)

4. Not reapplying sunscreen


This is an absolute must if you are outdoors for a long period of time, swimming or exercising, but 7 in 10 Australians don’t re-apply sunscreen. You should reapply every two hours.

5. Not putting sunscreen everywhere

NIVEA SUN found 4 in 5 Australians are missing at least one part of their body when applying sunscreen, the most commonly missed parts being feet 79 per cent, torso 59 per cent and back 55 per cent.

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