
How to bring positive energy into your home with feng shui

9 easy changes you can make.
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Feng shui is an ancient Chinese art of harmonizing and balancing the energy in your environment.


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Improving the feng shui in your home doesn’t mean you have to knock down walls and rearrange the furniture. Small changes can make a big difference and maximise the potential for success in all areas of your life.

(Image: Alana Landsberry / (Credit: Image: Alana Landsberry /

Here are 12 ways to get good feng shui at home.

1. The entry to your home should be inviting and clear of clutter. Keep the garden well maintained and tidy. Bring wealth into your home by placing a plant and a light either side of the front door.

2. Put away coats and shoes in your entry hallway so that energy can circulate. For uplifting positive energy, place a mirror above a table with fresh flowers.


3. Air flow is key to positive energy in the home. Open your windows often and use an air purifier to keep your home fresh.

4. Allow as much natural light into your home as possible.

5. Keep your space clear of clutter. It will keep the energy in your home light and harmonious.

6. Choose your art carefully, as images carry strong energy. Choose images that are happy and beautiful. Avoid using images that feature lonely or solo people or items.


7. Clear your bedroom of the TV, computer or exercise equipment. These items introduce the energy of work and stress into a space that should be relaxing and harmonious. Don’t place plants in your bedroom unless it’s a large space, and keep them as far away from the bed as possible.

8. Make sure your bed is easily approachable from both sides, and have a bedside table on either side.

9. Keep all bedroom doors closed at night, including wardrobe doors.

10. Your sofa, coffee table and entertainment units should not be disproportionally large in your living room. All of the furniture should work in harmony. To encourage the flow of wealth, place a lamp in the corner of you room diagonally opposite the room’s entry.


11. To optimise energy in the dining room, place a mirror on the wall reflecting the dining table, and add a vase of fresh flowers.

12. To avoid draining wealth energy in the bathroom, keep toilet lids down and keep the door shut. Plants can help improve the feng shui.

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