Home Garden

9 tips for buying fresh flowers

We reveal the secrets to buying the best cut flowers

Shop early

If you get to the markets or florist as early as possible you will have access to the freshest flowers possible and will spoilt for choice too. Generally supermarket bouquets are made up quickly and have been sitting on display for a while so for an extra special bunch head to your local florist, markets or even your own garden.


Plan colours ahead

Have an idea of what colour pallet you want to use before you go shopping. That way it won’t be a sensory overload when you hit the flower markets. Try to stick to flowers in various shades of one colour or several colours of one type of flower.


What’s in season?

Just like fruit and vegetables, flowers are best when in season. For year-round blooms you can turn to roses, gerbera, carnations and chrysanthemums.


Healthy buds

For long-lasting blooms you want to look out for plenty of buds that are just starting to open rather than mostly open flowers. Gently feel the petals to make sure they are firm and healthy to ensure you get the most bang for your buck.


Add some greenery

Flowers alone can look a little plain but once you add some greenery, like geranium leaves or ferns, it will look like a professional arrangement. Make sure greenery looks healthy, free from speckles, holes from insects and browning.


Buy with your nose

Looks aren’t everything! Choose some blooms with a fragrance you love for a bouquet that looks and smells pretty.


Make them last longer

What is the key to making cut flowers last longer? The Australian Flower Industry suggests you use room-temperature water in a clean vase with flower food added. If you don’t have flower food, change the water daily for best results. Before adding your flowers, cut a few centimetres off the end of each stem at an angle using sharp scissors and remove any leaves that are under the water. Keep your blooms in a cool place away from direct sunlight and be sure to top up the water regularly. Enjoy!


Thoughtful display

The dining table is not the only place to plonk your lovely flowers. Think outside the box and consider other places in the home where your flowers will be enjoyed the most. It could be in your bedroom, study, kitchen or entrance.


Floral occasion

If you are organising flowers for a special event it pays off to be prepared. Try to buy your flowers one or two days before the event so they have a chance to soak up water and conditions and settle into their arrangement.


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