
Proof your dryer is eating your socks

Photographic evidence!
odd sock hackGetty Images

Ever get the feeling your washing machine or dryer is eating your socks?


A tweet has recently gone viral, answering the age-old question: where do all the lost socks go?

Sharing an image of socks pouring out the bottom of a dryer, social media user Sarah Rose captioned the photo: “Soooo, I no longer feel like a crazy person for losing random socks…”

In the comments, however, she says the machine isn’t hers but she was surprised to see that a dryer can actually eat your socks.

A property manager originally shared the photo on Bored Panda.

“My husband and I are property managers, currently we are managing a manufactured home park. Most parks, like apartment complexeshave laundry rooms, ours is no different,” Cathy Hinz wrote.

“Today, my husband got tired of fooling with one of the washing machines that wasn’t working properly and decided to take it apart, starting with the bottom panel. To his shock, this is what he found…”


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