As the weather begins to warm up, you may find yourself experiencing an urge to spruce your house from top to bottom. It’s true, spring represents the season for undertaking (and finishing!) long-neglected projects; and we’re predicting the need for a clean, re-organised home will be stronger than ever this year! But how do you start?
After being shut up tight during the cold of winter, it’s time to open up your home and freshen it up. So it’s not too overwhelming, do it one room at a time or just set aside a few hours that you have spare. Here’s our ultimate guide to spring cleaning!
1. Suck it up
Break out the vacuum cleaner to get rid of winter dust. Start at the top with the cobwebs around the ceiling and work your way down. Vacuum windows and window sills before making your way to cleaning the skirting boards. Move furniture to attack the build-up of dust under them. Clean along sliding door tracks to remove dust. This will also help prevent damage to the rollers on your sliding doors. Opting for a cordless vacuum will make your job that much easier too!

2. Wash it down
Clean walls are the next best thing to a fresh coat of paint. Mix up a solution of sugar soap in a bucket of warm water, grab a large sponge and get to it. A quick wipe over is all that’s needed. Wipe down the windows doors and skirting boards to pick up any stubborn dirt the vacuum missed. Pay special attention to finger marks around light switches and door handles.
3. In the bathroom
Moisture caused by condensation in cold weather is the perfect growing condition for mould. The ceiling, tile grout and silicone around the bath and basin are all mould hot spots. Getting rid of mould early will stop it from taking hold. The only option after that is to repaint and replace the silicone and grout. Use a solution of 4 parts white vinegar to 1 part water. Rinse the cloth or scrubber in a second bucket of the solution after you’ve cleaned an area to ensure you don’t just spread the problem elsewhere.

4. Cleaning carpets
To make your carpets look like new, consider a steam clean. This involves applying a shampoo to the carpet, injecting hot, high-pressure water into the carpet then vacuuming it up. Professional steam cleaners will get the best results but you can also hire steam cleaners and do it yourself. If you do, take care not to over-wet the carpet. This may lead to the growth of mould in the carpet, leaving you with a musty smell; staining from the wet underlay and even make the carpet rot.
5. Wash the windows
You won’t really notice how dirty your windows are until you give them a clean! Vacuum the tracks of aluminium windows first. If any dust or dirt in there gets wet, it’ll be harder to remove and could damage your windows. Mix up a bucket of warm water and detergent, then scrub with a window washer. Remove the water with a squeegee. Work from the top down and wipe the squeegee with a rag between strokes for fewer streaks. Finish by polishing the glass with a spray on window cleaner. P.S. Don’t forget to clean the window tracks!

4 handy cleaning hacks you need to try!
Everyone loves a hack, and spring cleaning projects benefit from them, too! Try your hand at these clever cheats to make your tasks a breeze.
Sock it to ’em
Finally, there’s a use for those old socks that have holes in them. Dust your blinds or ceiling fan using a cotton sock and a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water. Clean these fixtures first, as dust will drop on to the surrounding surfaces which can be easily wiped down or vacuumed up once you’ve finished.
Allergy alert
If you suffer from allergies, especially when it comes to dust in the air, cleaning can become something you want to avoid. A common mistake is sweeping hard floors with a broom which throws allergy-aggravating dust into the air and displaces it, leaving it to settle in other parts of your home. Using a vacuum to clean these surfaces will stop the dust from spreading around, as well as helping to stop those dust-causing allergies.
Sofa so good
When spot-cleaning your sofa or rug, try not to saturate the fabric with too much liquid as this can cause more harm than good. It can also spread any dirt around in other areas, which is something that can end up staining your sofa even more. Also, remember to blot dry rather than rub so that it doesn’t spread any stains. You can also get out a hair dryer to assist in fast-drying the area you’re cleaning.
Unfortunately, over time your sofa is bound to pick up dirt and odour, but there’s an easy fix, and it’s not leaving the plastic cover on your couch. To remove lingering smells from your sofa, sprinkle it with some bi-carb soda and then leave for 20 minutes. After that time, simply get your vacuum our to clean up the residue. While also being a natural and inexpensive product, bi-carb soda is a great deodoriser that can be used around the house.