
6 ways to keep your cat happy in a small home

DIY ideas

As any proud cat owner will know, our feline friends will soon let us know if they aren’t happy with their current selection of toys and entertainment options. As Australian cities become increasingly urbanised, and more of us live in apartments with nothing more than a balcony to enjoy the great outdoors, our pets are having to adapt to the reduced amount of space just as we are. Unfortunately, we can’t communicate to our cats the dangers of busy streets, cars and that the high cost of property is what stands between us and a sprawling back lawn, so we have to make do by distracting them with toys that can keep them active and happy.


Here are six ways to keep your cat happy in a small home.

1. Give your cat a view from above

Cats love to get up high because it gives them a whole new perspective on their everyday world. A cat tree or over-the-door multi-level climber will keep you cat happy. If you’re in the mood for a DIY project, consider attaching shelves to the wall in such a way that your cat can jump from tier to tier to get a better view. You can ow also get little cat beds that can be attached via suction cups to windows and glass doors.


2. Keep your cat busy

It’s very important for all cats to get regular play time to keep them happy and healthy. Set aside time each day for some one-on-one time with your cat and play with a laser pointer, a tassel or balls. To keep your cat entertained through the day, consider attaching a mouse toy or other enticing lure to a sturdy piece of string or and hang it from door handles around the house.

3. Give your cat a front row seat

Cats are curious and inquisitive creatures by nature, and having a window they can comfortable sit at and observe the world will make your feline friendly very happy. Locate a window in your home that has a suitably interesting view, and is easy for your cat to access. Make sure they have enough room to comfortably sit by the window.


4. Give them a safe place to sharpen their claws

Cats love to scratch. Encourage your cat away from the furniture by supplying equally appealing options around the house, such as cardboard scratching set ups, a scratching post or claw board.


5. Play hide and seek

Cats love having cosy little spots to spend their days, and sneaky little hideaways they can retreat to when the world gets too hectic for them. Your cats will be equally happy with cardboard boxes and baskets as they will be with fancy cat condos or hanging beds. Just ensure they have a soft blanket or pillow they can snuggle into.


6. Invest in some indoor plants

Let your pet unleash their inner wild cat by creating an indoor jungle corner with cat-friendly plants such as palms or mother-in-laws tongue. Group three or four foliage plants together so your cat can prowl through them and hide behind the branches.  

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