
These are 5 types of morning people in Australia

Are you a Morning Bumbler?

As it turns out, your age could have more to do with whether you’re a morning person or not that you think. Cereal Brand O&G Crunchy Granola has been researching the different types of morning people in Australia, and the research has been used to create ‘morning people personas’. Then they categorized the Australia population into each of the five persona’s, with help from the Australian Bureau of Statistics who provided current population data.


Although, truth be told, there’s a little bit of each in all of us.

man opening curtains
(Credit: Getty) (Credit: Getty)

The study found that:

  • Aussies are 26% more likely to hit snooze on a Tuesday than any other day of the week
  • Baby Boomers (70%) claim to feel more organised in a morning than Gen X (64%)
  • Gen X (31%) and Millennials (34%) have high stress levels in the morning compared to only 14 per cent of Baby Boomers
  • Gen X (27%) are more likely to skip breakfast or opt for a coffee than millennials (24%)
woman singing into mirror
(Credit: Getty) (Credit: Getty)

The morning people personailities

Which one are you?

  • Morning Organiser (30% of Australians)
    These savvy morning champions are the most organised and least stressed despite being short on time. More likely to be baby boomers (47%), and least likely to be millennials (12%), it’s no surprise at least some of their focus on mornings is due to steering clear of social media and not having a furry friend to distract them.
  • Morning Faker (20% of Australians)
    With more morning grumpiness, lower energy and less organisation than the rest of Australia, 42% of millennials can relate to the Morning Faker. Typically living with their parents, the effort of the Morning Faker fades as the week progresses, with Morning Fakers 24% less common on Fridays than Mondays.
  • Morning Bumbler (19% of Australians)
    This laissez faire morning riser may be more chirpy, have less stress and have more time in the morning, but they are still less likely to be organised. Perhaps distracted by admiring their friend’s puppy filters, Snapchat-ers are twice as likely as those who use Facebook or Instagram to be Morning Bumblers.
  • Morning Over Achiever (17% of Australians)
    These organised-morning advocates breeze through their AM with low levels of stress and grumpiness despite time pressure, their success coming down to their level of organisation. Surprisingly, parents, particularly those with pets, are more likely to be Morning Over Achievers, proving multiple mouths to feed and listen to, is ideal training for morning domination
  • Morning Hater (15% of Australians)
    Unsurprisingly, grumpy morning haters tend to be the more youthful generations of Aussies, 90% are millennial or Gen X, and also proclaim to suffer from low energy. Perhaps related to the level of insta- worthiness these generations value, over a quarter of Instagram users (26%) classified as Morning Haters.

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