How these parents recreated Diagon Alley in their backyard

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Bridget Slack Photography

What happens when two Harry Potter fans want to celebrate their daughter’s sixth birthday? They transform their backyard into Diagon Alley, of course.

The attention to detail is breathtaking, with faithful recreations of wizarding shops including Ollivanders, Flourish & Blotts and Madam Malkin’s.

Girl holding wand from Harry Potter
(Credit: Bridget Slack Photography)
Diagon Alley project
(Credit: Bridget Slack Photography)
Backyard Diagon Alley project
(Credit: Bridget Slack Photography)

Katherine Pastas Nevitt and her husband, Matthew Scott Nevitt created the shopfronts with mostly free and recycled material.

Backyard Diagon Alley project
(Credit: Bridget Slack Photography)
Harry Potter party
(Credit: Bridget Slack Photography)
Harry Potter letter
(Credit: Bridget Slack Photography)

On her Facebook page Katherine Pastas Nevitt writes,

“Floors and walls are made from pallets, with the outside plywood hand painted to just look like stone. The windows are re-purposed china cabinets and wire reels, plus inside is all unwanted furniture saved from the landfill.”

(Credit: Bridget Slack Photography)
Harry Potter party
(Credit: Bridget Slack Photography)

The couple spent less than $200 on recreating the Harry Potter setting in their backyard.

Follow the family at www.nevittcreative.com.

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