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How to pick the perfect Shepard avocado

How to use this misunderstood fruit.
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Although Hass avocados seem to be the gold standard of avocados in Australia, the humble Shepard avocado is available all the time, and just as delicious.


Chef and cookbook author Luke Hines is encouraging Australians to embrace the arrival of Shepard avocados in supermarkets by learning how to choose and use them correctly, and you might just find yourself a convert. These are his top tips for choosing and using Shepard avocados.

shepard avocado
(Credit: Getty) (Credit: Getty)

How to tell the difference between Hass and Shepard avocados  

  • The skin of a Shepard avocado always stays green, even when ripe, while the skin on a Hass avocado turns from green to purplish-black as it ripens.
  • Shepard avocados have a firmer, yellower flesh which makes them ideal for slicing.
  • The firmer flesh of a Shepard doesn’t brown when cut, making them a delicious and attractive addition to salads, or sliced on toast.
  • Shepard avocados have a slightly nuttier flavour than Hass avocados.
  • Both varieties have the same nutritional benefits.

How to choose the perfect Shepard avocado

As the skin doesn’t change colour, picking a ripe Shepard can be confusing, but there is a simple trick to choosing the perfect one every time. Instead of looking at the skin colour, press gently near the top, and if it gives a little, it is ready to eat.

If your Shepard avocado isn’t quite ripe, you can leave it on the kitchen bench for 1-3 days to ripen, or place it in a paper bag with a banana to speed up the ripening process. You can then pop your avocado in the fridge to keep it at the perfect ripeness for 2-3 days.

avocado salad
(Credit: Getty) (Credit: Getty)

How to use Shepard avocados

  • With their slightly firmer flesh, Shepards are great when sliced as they hold their shape well.
  • Shepards don’t brown when cut, so they also look great placed on top of your favourite dishes.
  • You can try Shepards diced in a chunky salsa, sliced on toast or sliced and mixed in a fresh salad.

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