
10 things to do at home with the family for Earth Hour

A global movement you can participate in at home.

WATCH: Why not become even more eco-friendly and try ton make your own indoor compost?

On Saturday the 28th of March at 8:30pm, Australians will be asked to switch off their lights for Earth Hour.


Earth Hour is an Australian-grown global grassroots movement for the environment, and brings people together for one hour, from 8:30pm to 9:30pm, to #SwitchOff lights in a symbolic call for more action on climate change.

The impacts of the climate emergency have been felt across the country. Bushfires burnt an area bigger than Ireland, took the lives of at least 33 people and an estimated 1.25 billion native animals. Beyond the fire-stricken areas, cities were shrouded in toxic smoke, droughts devastated farms and regional towns, and the Great Barrier Reef showed signs of another mass coral bleaching event.

What is Earth Hour

Earth Hour inspires individuals, communities, businesses and organisations in more than 180 countries and territories to take tangible environmental action. Historically, Earth Hour has focused on the climate crisis, but more recently, Earth Hour has strived to also bring the pressing issue of nature loss to the fore. The aim is to create an unstoppable movement for nature, as it did when the world came together to tackle climate change.

This year, you can sign up to be a part of Earth Hour online and Switch off the lights at 8:30pm for one hour. It’s a free, self-isolation friendly initiative that you and your family can take part in from the comfort of your home. Wondering what to do for an hour in the dark? We have some ideas! 


What you can do for Earth Hour 

  1. Watch a nature documentary.
  2. Have dinner by candlelight with your family.
  3. Go outside and try to spot star constellations with the kids.
  4. Roast marshmallows over an open fire-pit or barbecue in the backyard.
  5. Get social and engage with people all over the world about climate change with the #Connect2Earth tag.
  6. Have a silent disco with headphones, music and dancing in the dark
  7. Pop the popcorn and have a family movie night
  8. Grab a torch and teach the kids how to make shadow puppets with your hands
  9. Show the kids how to enjoy sparklers
  10. Go to bed early!

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