
Three personality traits dogs pick up from their owners

You and your pooch are more alike than you think.
Deluvio on Unsplash

As all pet owners know, each pooch, no matter their breed comes with their own personality. 


According to a new study, some traits are actually picked up from their surroundings. 

Here are three characteristics a pup can adopt from its owner.

Social skills 

Like owner, like pooch. In social situations, a dog tends to take its cue from its owner.

As a recent study explains: “Agreeable owners are probably good at coping with social situations and hence at controlling social stress.”


“This personality dimension is described as being cooperative, sympathetic, and considerate. [… ] In general, relaxed owners are likely to have relaxed and friendly dogs.”

Morning dog or a night dog

If you’re an early riser, chances are your dog will be too. If you like to sleep late, Fido will follow suit. 

Fear and aggression

(Credit: Ryan Walton on Unsplash) (Credit: Ryan Walton on Unsplash)

Research has found dogs have the ability to pick up on our emotions.


The study, from the University of Naples, tested whether dogs could sniff out human emotions by smell alone. 

New Scientist reported: “Dogs exposed to fear smells showed more signs of stress than those exposed to happy or neutral smells. They also had higher heart rates, and sought more reassurance from their owners and made less social contact with strangers.”

RELATED: How to decode your dog’s tail wag

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