
How to open a bottle without a bottle opener

Here are our top 8 bottle-opener alternatives.
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With the weather warming up and summer barbecues planned for the weekend, a refreshing beverage is a must.


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Whether it’s a soda or a cheeky bevvy, there’s been one too many times where you haven’t been able to locate a bottle opener.

Rather than using the side of your dining table or even worse your teeth, here are a few great alternatives. But for all these substitutions we recommend to avoid using your favourite or most expensive silverware.

8 best bottle-opener alternatives

bottle open
(Credit: Getty) (Credit: Getty)

A key

Carefully position the ridged side of your key sideways underneath the cap of the bottle. Move the key back and forth for a few minutes until you successfully pry the cap off. To note: don’t use a car key or an important key that you can’t replace.


A fork

It may take some practice, but wedge the teeth of your fork inside the grooves of the cap.

A spoon

It may take a few tries but try grabbing the neck of the bottle as close to the cap as you can get with your nondominant hand. Position the spoon under the lip of the cap and, using the base of your thumb as a base, pry the cap loose.

A butter knife

Using the tip of a butter knife bend just a small section of the cap away from the bottle. Then position the tip of the knife under the lip, so that it’s between the cap and the glass rim. In a careful and swift motion, tap the handle of the knife on the counter to pop off the cap. Voila!

A flathead, or slotted screwdriver

Clean your screwdriver before using, then position it underneath the lip of the cap and use the leverage to carefully pry it loose or simply tap the handle of the screwdriver on a countertop to pop the lid off.


Belt buckle

This is probably the easiest way to open a bottle without a bottle opener. Use the buckle just like you would with a traditional bottle opener.

Another beer

Using a second beer bottle, hold one upside down and line up the bottle cap with the one you want to open. Then just pry away.

Rubber band

Wrap a rubber band around the bottle cap crown and start twisting with all the elbow grease you have. The cap should eventually pop off in a little while.

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