
7 easy ways to live a more sustainable life

It’s all about making mindful choices.

Living a more sustainable way of life has become a prominent topic in the media lately. We’re seeing more alternatives to plastic come onto the market, more recycling initiatives, and retailers are choosing ethically and environmentally better materials for their products. But why is sustainability important? It’s important because we need to preserve the environment and the resources that sustain our current way of life. Here are seven easy ways you can live a more sustainable life.


1. Choose an energy provider that is eco-conscious

Data released in 2017 shows leading energy companies are responsible for nearly half of carbon emissions in Australia. Visit the Green Electricity Guide to see who are the best performing retailers in the energy sector in your state, and choose one that has renewable assets, close to zero emissions, a strong public position against investing in fossil fuels and doesn’t have contracts o buy energy from fossil fuel power stations.

2. Use your car less often

Cars are responsible for emissions of air pollution and greenhouse gases. Choose to go without your car and walk or ride a bike to work, grab a train, bus or car pool with friends, or use ride share services to do your bit to reduce emissions into the environment.  Every little bit counts.

3. Invest in energy/water efficient appliances

Kitchen and laundry appliances can account for up to one third of the amount households spend on electricity.  Pick appliances that reduce your power usage, and have water-saving fixtures attached to taps, showerheads, and choose a washing machine and toilet with a great WELS rating.


4. Shop ethically

When you’re on your next shopping trip be sure to check out fairtrade labels, which means the item of clothing has met certain social, economic and environmental standards. For an affordable option check out H&M’s Conscious clothing line, or donate your old clothes to H&M, (just ask for the garment-collecting box, often located next to the cash desks), you’ll get rewarded with a voucher.

5. Go paperless

Say no to unnecessary receipts, as many retailers now offer to email you recipets for in-store purchases. Opt to have all your bills and bank correspondence sent via email and avoid printing tickets to festivals, events, concerts and flights when digital QR codes are available via your smart phone.

6. Pick reusable cleaning products

Instead of grabbing the disposable paper towel when your next cleaning at home, purchase some microfibre cloths that can be washed and reused over and over again. Reduce your use of chemical cleaners too, and choose products with natural ingredients or that are GECA certified.


7. Invest in eco-friendly and reusable food storage

Buy once and buy right, and invest in reusable food storage options such as The Swag bags, beeswax food wraps or silicon bags for lunch staples. Not only does this reduce your use of single-use plastic, but it will make your food last longer and save you money in the long run.

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