How to make a sock teddy

Create the cutest companions this side of toy town from ordinary socks

Put those odd socks to good use by turning them into cuddly toys for your kids. They’re so adorable, you’ll want to make a bunch.


Gather your supplies:

Contrasting socks (2-3) for body, muzzle and clothing

You’ll also need:

Water-erasable or fast-fade marker; fibrefill; small coloured button; small black buttons (2); larger flat black button (optional); ruler; scissors; sewing thread and needle; black embroidery cotton.

Here’s how…


Turn sock for body inside out and position so heel is centred and facing out. Rule a line across sock, halfway between toe and heel, then rule another, halfway between cuff and heel. Cut across both so you end up with 3 pieces – toe (head), middle (body and legs) and cuff (arms).


On toe piece, draw a rounded head with ears, so toe seam forms base. Cut out, then cut a narrow slit at bottom of head for filling.


Draw a vertical line down centre of cuff, then cut to divide into 2 arms. Round ends at cuff edge.


On middle piece, divide and mark section below heel (teddy’s bottom) into 2 for legs, making a narrow turn at crotch and leaving 1cm gap between legs for seam allowance. Round 1 end of legs, as you did for arms. Cut along lines. You should now have a head, a body with legs and 2 arms.


With right sides together, stitch around raw edges of each piece, allowing a 5mm seam and leaving straight edges open on upper body, arms and bottom edge of head. Turn each piece to right side out.


Stuff head with fibrefill then, using a double-threaded needle, stitch across open edge using running stitch. Pull tight to ensure it’s completely closed. Repeat for body.


Sew head firmly to body. Stuff arms with fibrefill, then fold in raw edges at top of arms and stitch to body.


To make muzzle, cut 2 oval shapes from second sock. With right sides together, sew around outer edges, leaving a small opening for turning through. Turn right side out, fill sparingly, then slip-stitch opening closed. Stitch muzzle in place on lower half of teddy’s head.


Sew on 2 black buttons for eyes. For nose, stitch a coloured button, or a coloured button on top of a flat black button, to centre of muzzle. Stitch a mouth underneath in black cotton.



From leftover second sock (or third sock), make clothes for your teddy. You can cut shor ts or a singlet from cuff end, or create a skirt by cutting and joining 2 straight sections of sock fabric and gathering them onto a cuff waistband. Or, easiest of all, make baby teddy a small bib. Your teddy bear is now ready for a picnic.

Sock teddy bear

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