The bearded dragon is one of the most popular reptile pets worldwide, and they are easy to take care of as long as you know what you’re doing.
WATCH: Dr Harry visits the Happy Dragon Den
If you’re considering a bearded dragon, ‘beardies’, as they are affectionately known, as a pet, Dr Harry Cooper has some advice.
In a recent episode of Better Homes and Gardens, he visits Janice who runs the Happy Dragon Den, a bearded dragon surrender centre and an educational facility, to find out the dos and don’ts for looking after the Australian native animal.
“Bearded dragons are an Australian native animal. They make great pets, but you have to look after them properly,” says Dr Harry.
Do you need a permit to own a pet bearded dragon?
If you’re thinking about getting a beardie as a pet, the first thing you need to do is get a permit.
“First point of call,” says Janice, “Get your permit, get your license.”
Additionally, speak to pet shops, reputable breeders, or someone like Janice and get a second chance, dragon, as she calls them.

The setup: what you need to take care of a bearded dragon
Taking a look at her bearded dragon enclosures, Janie says each one needs the following:
- Astroturf – it’s easy to clean.
- A log for your dragon to bask in underneath heat (they need to get nice and close to the light to warm their bodies up.
- Somewhere to climb.
- UVB light – Janice says, “This is your replication of the sunshine, which is the most essential thing they need. Without it, your dragon will not survive.”
In saying that, even the most well-thought-out enclosure won’t be enough for your bearded dragon, and they will need proper sunshine.
“You must still give your lizard proper sunshine at least 3-4 hours a week,” says Janice.
Janice has created a range of outdoor enclosures for her bearded dragons to bask in the sun. She also lets them run around on the grass (supervised).

What does a bearded dragon eat?
Bearded dragons are omnivores, meaning they eat various food from plants and animals.
Janice says an adult bearded dragon will eat predominantly the plantation food daily and bugs once or twice a week.
The following bugs would keep your bearded dragon very happy. It’s very important to let them have some live bugs for stimulation.
- Black soldier fly larvae – high in calcium
- Giant mealworms
- Cricket
- Live food for stimulation
- Wood roaches – covered in calcium powder
Do bearded dragons like being cuddled?
Bearded dragons are not known for cuddling in the same way other pets might. However, they can become accustomed to human interaction and may enjoy being held or sitting on their owner’s hand or shoulder. But it depends on the individual dragon’s temperament and the extent to which they have been socialised.
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