Air plants – or tillandsias – don’t need soil to thrive, so where do you put them? Create a mini garden up your wall, or hanging from the rafters, without the mess of spilling soil or water overflows. You can even create a living picture with plant plaques on an outdoor wall! Try your hand at these easy weekend projects featuring everyone’s favourite soil-free plant.
WATCH: Simple spring gardening projects
How to make tillandsia plaques

Gather your supplies
- Wood discs, 18cm dia.
- Black spray paint
- 3mm faux-leather cord
- Tillandsias (air plants)
- Picture-hanging strips
You’ll also need
- Pencil
- Ruler
- 5-5.5mm drill bit
- Drill
- Mask
- Drop sheet
- Scissors

Step 1
Draw a line through widest part of each wood disc. At midpoint, draw another line to make a cross.
Step 2
Mark vertical line 2.5cm below junction, then mark and drill holes 5cm on either side of it. If your plant is bigger, drill more holes 1cm below and 1.5cm in from the first two.

Step 3
Wearing a mask and working on a drop sheet, spray discs with 2 coats of paint, leaving to dry after each coat.
Step 4
Thread faux-leather cord twice through each set of holes. Tie at back.

Step 5
Secure plant under leather and spray-mist (you need to do this weekly).
Step 6
Use hanging strips to hang plaques on wall.
How to make air plant hangers

Gather your supplies
- Embroidery craft rings
- Black spray paint
- 1.57mm gardening wire
- 3mm faux-leather cord
- Wooden beads
- Air plants
You’ll also need
- Mask
- Drop sheet
- Long-nose pliers
- Small funnel
- Screw in hooks
- Drill and bit
- Scissors

Step 1
Wearing a mask and working on a drop sheet, spray craft rings with 2 coats of paint, leaving to dry after each coat.
Step 2
For each ring, cut a 30cm piece of wire and straighten it.
Step 3
Wrap wire around funnel, starting at the tip, with gaps between wraps so you end up with about 3-4 rings. Remove funnel.

Step 4
Wrap still-straight end of wire around top of ring. Tighten with pliers and snip off any excess.

Step 5
Wrap faux-leather cord around wire on ring and knot securely. Thread wooden beads onto cord.
Step 6
Drill holes in rafter and screw in the hooks. Tie cords to hooks; trim excess.
Step 7
Insert air plants into wire funnels and spray-mist.
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How to make a tillandsia terrarium