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A recent Facebook post from a disgruntled supermarket shopper has revealed that supermarket mince isn’t all its advertised to be, and how the retail giants get away with selling it.
In the post, the shopper, named Mandy, revealed that after buying a 500g-marked packet of mince for $7.50, she went home and weighed the product, only to discover the mince was just 262g – almost half of what it was supposed to be. The shopper shared her images on Facebook.
The post, which has since collected many likes, comments and shares, includes comments from other shoppers expressing their shock and disbelief at the product.
“Seriously Woolworths,” she wrote. “I have been buying this mince like this for a while and (it is) not cheap due to trying to cut out fat,” the shopper called Mandy wrote on Facebook.
“I weighed it today and there is less than 300g in a supposed 500g pack!
“And yes my scales are fine. I use them daily. How many people are you ripping off including the packaging weight?”
However, it seems that supermarkets can get away with this, simply by adding a little ‘e’ next to the weight on the packet. The ‘e’ indicates that the weight is an estimate, and doesn’t necessarily have to match the actual product weight in the package.
A Woolworths spokesperson told New Idea Food that they are investigating the incident and insist that it is a rare occurrence for such a discrepancy to occur.
“We want our customers to shop with the confidence they’re getting what they’re paying for. We have a range of robust checks and balances in place to help ensure our products comply with trade measurement requirements.”
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