
The toy you should never give your dog, but do

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It’s no secret that dogs love playing fetch. In fact some pups will pester their owners for hours on end to throw them a ball. 


Are tennis balls safe for dogs?

And while watching a dog chase after a bouncing ball can make anyone smile, there’s one very crucial consideration to keep in mind  choosing the right type of ball.

Hunter Finn is a Texas-based animal expert who regularly shares pet advice on TikTok. In a recent video, he shared this warning: “Stop giving your dog tennis balls.”

You’re probably wondering how a tennis ball can harm your dog.

Hunter explains, “Well, when you’re playing fetch with your dog and throwing this thing, it’s getting caught in saliva and dirt and sand, and [the nylon shell] just turns into sandpaper.”


“As that ball turns in your dog’s mouth as it’s playing with it, and you’re grabbing it, and it’s being thrown and picked up multiple times … your dog’s [mouth] will start to look like this,” he said pointing to an image of a dog’s tooth. 

dog's teeth
(Credit: TikTok/@dr.hunterfinn)

Before you end your pup’s favourite game of fetch with a tennis ball, Hunter has a practical solution: a smooth rubber ball. It’s not going to pick up dirt and sand, turning the ball into sandpaper.

Everyone’s a winner. 


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