
How you can see the brightest moon of the year tonight

The Full Harvest Moon is here.

Friday the 13th has all kinds of spooky connotations to it, and so does the full moon. Lucky for us, both a full moon and Friday the 13th fall upon the same day this year, the last time it will do so until 2049.


And you can celebrate this ghastly occasion by putting out your crystals to charge, getting a head start on your Halloween decorations, or you can take this opportunity to witness the brightest full moon of the year.

Australians have been lucky enough to be able to view many exciting solar events over the past twelve months, and tonight presents the last opportunity to view the last Full Harvest Moon.

Tonight the moon will reach 98% illumination on Friday evening, hitting 100% illumination and visibility during daylight hours on Saturday at 2:32pm.

Fortunately, the event will be visible easily from anywhere in Australia, but is best viewed at full nightfall on Friday night.


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