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Six supercharged snacks everyone should keep in the office

Step away from the vending machine! Make workday snacking easy and healthy with these supercharged foods.
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Six supercharged snacks everyone should keep in the office

Step away from the vending machine! Make workday snacking easy and healthy by sticking to these supercharged foods. They’ll keep you fuller for longer and keep your “naughty food” cravings at bay.

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Aside from cardiovascular benefits, blueberries are fantastic anti-aging powerhouses. They boost memory, support eye health, fight cancer and so much more. And, they are the perfect snack to munch on if you’re craving something sweet. They freeze well, losing none of their nutritional value and can easily be thrown into a small tub of yoghurt or a smoothie.

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Boiled eggs

Eggs are often called the perfect whole food. They contain at least 11 different vitamins and minerals, omega-3 fats and antioxidants, and they are a great source of high quality protein. Hard boil a couple of eggs at night and keep them in the fridge at work. Peel and eat for a mid morning or mid afternoon snack. Easy.

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Raw nuts

High in fibre and full of good unsaturated fats and a essential nutrients. They are great for heart health, bone health and are associated with lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes. Buy raw, as roasting will reduce the water content and the concentration of B group vitamins. Grab a small handful of raw nuts instead of reaching for a chocolate bar when you need a little energy boost.

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Nut butters (peanut, cashew, almond)

Spread on a wholegrain cracker, apple slices or vegie sticks nut butters will stave off the afternoon munchies and keep you full until lunch or throughout your afternoon. And their richness will make any sweet cravings you have disappear. If peanut butter isn’t your thing, go for hummus or guacamole instead. Homemade is best, so you know exactly what you’re getting.

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Wholegrain or multi-grain crispbread

If you’re looking for a savoury crunch, this is a much better alternative than reaching for a bag of potato chips. Nibble on their own or top with your nut butters or canned tuna.

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Dark chocolate

If you absolutely need a chocolate hit, always go dark. At least 70% cocoa and buy organic if you can. You only need a small amount to satisfy your sweet tooth and by going for the dark variety you will also get the benefits of antioxidants.

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