In summertime, the wellbeing of your four-legged pals should be a number one priority, so when it comes to our hot Australian summer it’s so important to ensure they can keep cool, and the same should apply for your pets too.
A lot of animals get stressed in the heat, which is not only uncomfortable for them, but can be dangerous. The important signs of stress in your dog may include excessive panting and drooling, and a very rapid heartbeat.
If you’re planning to go for a walk it’s important to check the temperature of the footpaths before asking your dog to walk on it. If it’s too hot for your bare feet, it’s too hot for your dog’s paws! In summer it’s a good idea to get up and outside training your dog bright and early (no later than 6am, in fact) – a great way to ensure your dog is getting regular exercise while still avoiding the heat.
If it’s over 32 degrees it’s probably wise to rethink the outside play or training session, but if that’s unavoidable for you in some instances there are measures you can take to keep your pooch cool.

Stay in shaded areas as much as possible whilst walking on hot days, and try to make regular rest stops. You can buy portable ‘bag’ water bowls in many pet shops that are easily transported – fold one up and take it with you when you’re out with your dog so you can give him or her water whilst taking a break.
Another good one to note – that should really go without saying – is to never, ever leave your animal unattended in a car during warm weather. It can take only a short period of time to cause irreparable damage to their health; or worse!
When you’re at home, try to remember to change your dog’s water frequently and ensure plenty of shade is available. Putting some ice blocks in your dog’s water bowl, and letting them paddle in a plastic wading pool (available from most hardware shops), will also help to keep them cool.
Summer is a great time to get out and enjoy time with your pets, but always make sure that their wellbeing is your first priority to keep them healthy and happy.

Of course, you can always keep their water topped-up and think about investing in a nice, big bowl for them to splash around in, like our favourite here!