Why some people can’t sleep in

According to a recent scientific study.

Do you find that despite your best intentions, you just can’t sleep in? Turns out you can blame it on your genes.

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According to a new study conducted by researchers at the University of California, one in 300 people find it easier to fall asleep at 8pm and wake up early in the morning.

Early risers will often find that they are most alert during the day but find themselves flagging early in the evening. In fact, the study found that “these extreme early birds tend to function well in the daytime, but may have trouble staying awake for social commitments in the evening.”

Woman in bed can't sleep
(Credit: Getty)

“The analogy I’ve always used is that it’s sort of like swimming in a river,” Dr W. Chris Winter told Domino. “You can stay in one spot, but it takes a lot of effort. The natural tendency is to relax and let the river take you downstream; but if that’s not what you want, you can certainly fight it. That’s the way it is for a morning person: You can create a situation where you’re not what you’re genetically predetermined to be, but it takes effort.”

So don’t worry if you need to exit an event early. It’s all in your genes!

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