No one likes the end of a holiday. Saying good bye to a beautiful place with wonderful food and returning to work and a mountain of washing of home can put a downer on anyone’s mood. However, you can extend that relaxed holiday feeling when you get home with some quick and easy preparation.
Before you set sail on your family getaway or romantic holiday take a moment to think about all the things you’ll have to do when you get home and get them done before you leave. This way you return to a clean home, fresh sheets and the knowledge that food is on the way. Follow our tips and rest assured you’ll extend that holiday feeling well after you return home.

- Change the sheets on the bed and make it up as luxuriously as you can. There’s nothing better than collapsing into your own soft and fluffy bed after a long flight or drive.
- Ensure all the laundry has been washed, dried and returned to the wardrobes they came from. Try to keep your laundry basket as close to empty as you can before you leave. That means one less chore to tackle when you get home.
- Ensure the bathroom is all clean and stocked up with all your favourite toiletries for your return. After a long holiday, coming home to the familiar can be a big relief.
- Take the garbage out and run a cleaning cycle on the dishwasher, then leave it cracked a bit before you go. This will make sure you don’t come home to any bad smells.
- Empty the fridge of any food that will expire while you’re away. There’s nothing worse than discovering something was growing in your fridge while you were away.
- Check the kids haven’t left any food in their school bags before you leave and save yourself the chore of cleaning rotten food out of the bottom of the bag upon your return.
- Have your favourite candle and a book or magazine set up on the coffee or dining table so you can have a quiet moment to yourself when you return.
- Schedule a grocery delivery for the day after you arrive home to avoid any tired and cranky trips to the supermarket. Better yet, arrange a meal delivery for dinner time to take the stress out of cooking.
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