Long haul flights aren’t pleasant for anyone, other than perhaps the lucky folks in first class. A long-haul flight usually means battling the effects of jet lag once you land, and trying to keep your eyes open for the first day or two of your holiday. However, there are a few easy tips and tricks you can employ that will have you arriving at your destination feeling fresh as a daisy. It comes down to good choices and preparation.
Prioritise sleep the night before travelling
Getting enough rest before you even set foot on a plane can play an integral part in whether or not you will suffer from jetlag when you reach your destination. Get to bed early and clock in at least eight hours of solid sleep before you have to get up to catch your flight.
Pack your carry-on with care
Ensure your flight is a comfortable one with lots of sleep by packing things like eye masks, pillows, moisturisers, tooth paste or cleansers in your carry-on, along with other necessities such as travel documents.

Hydration is key
You should be well hydrated before you board the plane, but pick up a bottle of water once you’re safely through security before you board your flight. Drink plenty of water throughout the flight to not only keep you hydrated, but help you battle fatigue and feel a little fresher. Drink somewhere between 200ml to 400ml per hour you’re on the plane for optimal results. Avoid alcohol.
Get some sleep
Once you are in your seat and everyone in the cabin is settled in for the flight, try to re-enact your nightly winding down ritual as much as possible. Think of things like removing makeup, applying moisturiser, having a cup of tea, reading a book and making sure you’re wearing comfortable clothes that will keep you cosy during the flight. The moment you feel like you could doze off for a nap, go with it. Getting as much sleep as possible before you land will set you up for success when you arrive at the destination.

Make good food choices
If you can, pack some of your own snacks that are nutritious. Things such as carrot sticks, health bars, nuts and fruit are good. When mealtime rolls around, try to make a choice that’s healthy; eating light will help you feel better when you get off the plane.
Reset your watch
Once onboard, set your watch to the time it is at your destination, and try to adjust to the new time zone as quickly as possible.

When you get there
If you are truly battling with a bad case of fatigue once you arrive at your destination, have a brief nap, no more than two hours. Then, get up and have a shower, grab some food and get out into the fresh air. This will keep you awake until an acceptable bedtime.
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