
14 things to banish from your bedroom

And create a relaxed retreat.

Your bedroom should be a clean and restful space, free of clutter and unnecessary items. Here are 14 things you should banish from your bedroom for a calmer and more nurturing environment.

Overflowing laundry basket
(Credit: Getty)

1. Unwashed clothes

If the sight of laundry doesn’t make you want to sort it out, the smell might. Overflowing baskets of laundry add to the clutter of your bedroom and can be a source of stress. Dedicate some time to clearing the backlog of clothes and stay on top of it – or simply move the basket to the laundry.

Old mobile phones
(Credit: Getty)

2. Old technology

It’s easy to accumulate piles of old mobiles, chargers and laptops. If you have a stash sitting in a drawer, have a clean-out and ditch anything that is outdated or doesn’t work. 

Messy makeup bag
(Credit: Getty)

3. Old makeup


Take all of your makeup out of its bag or drawer and consider each item. Take the opportunity to give everything a clean, and throw out anything that’s expired or unused. Scientists from the London Metropolitan University found traces of harmful bacteria in four out of five items of expired makeup, which is another good reason to check the expiration dates.

Messy wardrobe
(Credit: Getty)

4. Old or unused clothes

It’s time to clear out your wardrobe. Toss multiples of clothing or items you don’t wear. How many red t-shirts do you really need?

Bedside table with books on it.
(Credit: Getty)

5. Old books

Pop anything you haven’t read in a charity box, and clear the space on your bedside table. You’ll feel more relaxed at night time without clutter next to your head.

Messy bedroom
(Credit: Getty)

6. Things that don’t belong in the bedroom

It’s amazing how easy it is for items to migrate to your bedroom, like bowls, mugs and children’s toys. Take a basket and fill it with everything that belongs elsewhere in your home. Return everything to its rightful space and enjoy your clutter-free space.

Woman placing pillows on bed.
(Credit: Getty)

7. Saggy pillows


Your pillows have an expiration date, so don’t hang on to anything that’s saggy or discoloured. You’ll get a better night’s sleep if your pillows are fresh and supportive.

Woman sitting at desk
(Credit: Getty)

8. Your desk

You may have the space for it, but it’s not a good idea to have a desk in your bedroom. It’s a source of stress and tension: a permanent reminder of work, unpaid bills and tax returns. Move your desk out of your room and create a calmer, more nurturing environment.

Dog licking a woman's face in bed.
(Credit: Getty)

9. Your pet

Studies have found that owners who allow their pets in bed with them get less sleep. Animals can also introduce dirt and harmful germs into your bed. Keep your pet out of your room and enjoy a good night’s sleep – and a cleaner bed.

Stack of magazines
(Credit: Getty)

10. Piles of old magazines

Just like books, it’s easy to amass a pile of magazines in your bedroom. Banish them to the recycling bin. 

Woman in bed looking at alarm clock
(Credit: Getty)

11. Mobile phone


 It might be tempting to keep your phone on your bedside table, but researchers have found that reading your mobile at night leads to less sleep. Keep it on charge in the kitchen instead.

Pile of receipts
(Credit: Getty)

12. Old receipts

You don’t need to hang on to every receipt you’re giving – and certainly not in your bedroom. Keep receipts you need to keep in a box or folder elsewhere at home, and bin the rest.

Box of clothes for charity donation.
(Credit: Getty)

13. Charity box

If you’ve filled a box of items for donation, don’t let it pile up. Take the box to your car so you can drive it to your local charity.

Woman looking under bed.
(Credit: Getty)

14. Things under your bed

You’ve probably forgotten most things you’ve stored under your bed. Clear it out and toss anything you don’t need anymore.

RELATED: Bedroom updates to reduce anxiety

RELATED: Feng Shui: where should I place my bed?


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