It’s not just the affordable price points and forward-thinking design we love about Ikea. We also love the versatility of the design and how you can easily adapt (or hack it) for your own purposes.
So, what if we told you that there is a section that is often overlooked in store? And it’s not only got heavily discounted products, it’s also the ultimate hacker’s heaven?
Introducing the “As-Is” section, or as Ikea calls it, “bargain corner”.
Apartment Therapy recently chatted with US Ikea’s product placement specialist Christine Soner to get the inside scoop on As-Is.
So what is the bargain corner all about?
“The As-Is section is where you can view the selection of floor samples, discontinued pieces, and customer returns at a reduced price,” Christine explains.
“Ikea has a certain amount of merchandise throughout the year that we retire, which ensures that we keep our selection of products up-to-date. That merchandise can end up in As-Is along with seasonal products that are left over after summer or after the winter holidays.
“Floor samples or merchandise that people have returned also end up here, like beds, desks, office chairs, sofas, and even kitchen cabinets. Each store’s As-Is selection varies, depending on what they have available at their location. Savings can be from 30 to 60 percent off, so a DIYer could get lucky if the happen to be there and find something they like.”
Christine reveals that some days (and times of the year) are better than others for scoring a great discount.
“The As-Is department in any Ikea location is constantly being replenished because products are always flowing in for one reason or another,” she explains.
“Monday or Tuesday afternoons are probably best to visit because of any returns that might end up there after the weekend.
“Our new catalogue drops in August, so you will see price reductions on merchandise we are discontinuing in June and July. Those items are often stocked within the As-Is area. This is your final chance to purchase these products before they’re gone forever.”
Savvy shoppers can score extremely good deals in the As-Is department.
“I can only speak for myself, having been with the company for almost 26 years,” says Christine.
“I’ve definitely found some bargains while I’ve been at Ikea, like an $800 sofa that I ended up getting for $130 when all was said and done.
“I’ve even seen some of our top-of-the-line, over-dyed rugs from Turkey—which can run an upwards of $1,000—in As-Is. Maybe there was slight damage, so it couldn’t be sold at full price, or it was a floor sample that just needs a cleaning.”
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